Wish List
Needs Update:
We are fortunate enough to receive blessings of every type and size at Casa Esperanza. Your donations of clothing, shoes, personal hygiene supplies, school supplies, toys, bedding and towels play a big part in our ability to provide for our families while they are at Casa Esperana. We thank God for every donation and each heart that supplies our needs.
The best way to bring donations into Mexico is inside a suitcase if they are used. New items in shopping bags with the tags and receipt are generally allowed. Food items are usually less expensive when purchased in Ensenada at Costco, Sam's Club, or WalMart.
Items we are currently in need of:
Diapers, Stage 4 & 5
Baby Wipes
Toilet Paper
Feminine Pads
Full sized bottles of Shampoo (we don't use Conditioner)
Full sized bottles of body lotion
Full sized hair brushes
Deodorant (including men's for our boys)
Full sized Bar Soap
Insect Repellant
Children's cough and cold medicine (new unopened bottles)
Children's gummy vitamins (new unopened bottles)
Cleaning Supplies
School Supplies
Boys and Girls Sizes 2T-14
Women's sizes 8-18
Women's and Chidrens Shoes - Gently worn or new, any size (especially between 5-9)
New Women's and Children's socks and underwear
Food Items
Canned Meats
Powdered Milk
Cooking Oil
Individually packaged healthy snacks for the kids snack at school (granola bars, nuts, drited fruit)
Items we have in abundance at this time:
If you are interested in making donations but need a way to get them down to the casa, please contact Gabriela Alonso at micasaesperanza@gmail.com or Kathy Sanders at casagodmother@gmail.com